How To Treat Your White Clothing

How to Treat Your White Clothing

Just like the process of cleaning your vintage clothing, treating your whites needs to be done just as carefully, but the task, itself, is actually much different. There aren't many factors to consider when treating your white clothing, but there are some details that need to be covered, which will be the purpose of this guide, today. Like always, this is knowledge that we have acquired over years of working with white garments. This is what has worked for us in the past and the present, but keep in mind there can be several ways of getting the same results.


Treating Whites: Step by Step

Allow us to begin our step by step process, but it should be prefaced, that this is not a quick procedure. In total, it takes about 6-8 hours. These steps are needed to be followed as accurately as possible to yield the best results:

- Step 1: Picking Your Materials

There aren't many materials used for this process, and many can be substituted for what works best for you, but the ones we are providing, we believe, are absolutely essential. 1) OxiClean Max Force & 2) OxiClean White Revive.

We are loyal to OxiClean products. We have found they work the best for us for getting even the toughest, oldest stains out of vintage garments.

- Step 2: Prep Work

Again, this process is not a quick one, but to speed things up, you can prep your materials and workspace. First, we recommend using your bathtub, a big plastic bin or a kiddy pool to fill with warm/hot water & the OxiClean White Revive. You will use one full scoop for every gallon of water. It doesn't have to be so precise, but as an example, if we are treating 30 items, we will use about 12-15 scoops- depending on how full our space is with water. Again, use warm/hot water, this will allow the OxiClean to dissolve faster. To help the dissolving process even more, use a rubber glove, or the end of a broomstick to stir around the mixture. This will break up any large clumps that the mixture might have.

Secondly, you will spot treat your garments. This means that you will locate all the stains the item contains and spray them with the Oxiclean Max Force. You do not have to overdo it, one or two sprays per stain will suffice. You may rub the remover in a bit more with a handrag if you'd like, this can be used for really deep, dark stains. However, do not be too harsh or abrasive with it it can cause damage to the fabric.

- Step 3: Adding Clothing to Prepped Space

Once you have prepped your bathtub, plastic bin, kiddy pool or whatever other creative option you came up with, then it is time to add your garments to the OxiClean mixture. When you first add your items to the mixture, you will stir them around to evenly spread them out. Come back every hour, or when you notice them rise to the top of the mixture, to soak the pieces better.

DO NOT LET THEM SOAK FOR MORE THAN 8 HOURS. The graphics on the clothes can start to bleed if they are sitting in the mixture for any longer. In the end, you will notice the water become very brown & dirty. This is good. Once the 6-8 hours is up, it is time to move to the final step.

- Step 4: The Wash

After the 6-8 hours are up, all you'll need to do is wash your whites. Use whatever detergent you prefer. We use Seventh Generation Unscented. Wash them on the white setting on your washer, but we recommend not using the hottest temperature. You can still use warmer water, but avoid the hottest setting, as bleeding could happen. And as always, we do not recommend drying items in a heated dryer- tumble dry with no heat or air dry your garments.



Throughout this guide, we've delved into the various aspects of caring for your white garments, drawing from the wealth of knowledge we've acquired over years of working with vintage clothing. While there may not be as many factors to consider when treating whites compared to colors, it's crucial to cover the essential details to ensure your whites stay bright and pristine. As we've emphasized, the methods shared here have proven effective for us. So, whether you're dealing with cherished vintage pieces or your everyday whites, we hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights to keep your clothing looking its best.

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